A blurred shelf of design books


With skills were honed in the show-business environment of London's West End, n9 aims to bring the sparkle gained from this most competitive and creative sector to ambitious brands and businesses. Since 2004, n9's been bringing big ideas to life and delivering them across print and digital environments with a jargon-free, no-nonsense approach. You won't find a house-style or a templated solution, just creative thinking that has a commercial impact, activated with experience, energy and commitment.

Here's nine rules we endeavour to follow;

  1. listen first
  2. know the market
  3. keep learning
  4. communicate well
  5. avoid a free pitch
  6. do not fib / jibba-jabba
  7. be ethically aware
  8. respect the budget
  9. be proud

who's behind all this?

Nick Warren potrait

n9design is Nick Warren. With many years of work in the creative sector Nick has reached that slightly awkward stage where he is older than he thinks he is. Spending most of his time colouring in, cutting out, and sticking down he is driven with a fanatical zeal to keep things simple and is expecting to be found out any day soon. It has also been said that Nick is slower around the office on Tuesdays.
‍See a more detailed summary here at LinkedIn.

A Just Do It Nice Poster

Ultimately, at N9 we ‘Just Do It Nice’ - this is our mantra, a short-hand that reminds us that everything we do must have impact visually and to be considerate ethically.

Click here to see a selection of our work in print or online.

and here's what we do (in 20 seconds)